US Stamp Value Scott 12: 1856 5c Thomas Jefferson. Page 1

US Stamp Value Scott Catalogue # 12 - 5c 1856 Jefferson. Regency-Superior, Aug 2015, Sale 112, Lot 77

USA (Scott 12) 1856 JEFFERSON 5¢ RED BROWN TYPE I Very fine to extremely fine centering, with clear to large margins all around. Light black cancel. Cat price $700.

Regency-Superior, Aug 2015, Sale 112, Lot 77

Prices of US Stamp Scott 12: 5c 1856 Jefferson. Harmer-Schau Auction Galleries, Aug 2015, Sale 106, Lot 1298

() U.S.; General Issues, 1856, 5¢ Red Brown, #12, regummed, 3 margins, Fine, PF (2009) cert. Scott $11,000. Estimate $2,000-2,500.

Harmer-Schau Auction Galleries, Aug 2015, Sale 106, Lot 1298

Price of US Stamps Scott Catalogue 12 - 1856 5c Jefferson. Harmer-Schau Auction Galleries, Aug 2015, Sale 106, Lot 1299

o U.S.; General Issues, 1856, 5¢ Red Brown, #12, neat face free town cancel, clear to mostly large margins with choice color, Fine to Very Fine, 1998 (PSE cert.). Scott $700. Estimate price $300-250.

Harmer-Schau Auction Galleries, Aug 2015, Sale 106, Lot 1299

US Stamp Value Scott #12 - 5c 1856 Jefferson. Harmer-Schau Auction Galleries, Aug 2015, Sale 106, Lot 1301

o U.S.; General Issues, 1856, 5¢ Red Brown, #12, light cds, nice margins all round, preprinting paper fold, Fine to Very Fine. Scott $700. Estimate price $120-160.

Harmer-Schau Auction Galleries, Aug 2015, Sale 106, Lot 1301

US Stamp Values Scott Catalog # 12: 5c 1856 Jefferson. Harmer-Schau Auction Galleries, Aug 2015, Sale 106, Lot 1302

o U.S.; General Issues, 1856, 5¢ Red Brown, Pair, #12, New Orleans cds, close to huge margins, a lovely item, Very Fine. Scott $1,650. Estimate $700-800.

Harmer-Schau Auction Galleries, Aug 2015, Sale 106, Lot 1302

US Stamp Price Scott Catalogue 12 - 5c 1856 Jefferson. Harmer-Schau Auction Galleries, Aug 2015, Sale 106, Lot 1300

o U.S.; General Issues, 1856, 5¢ Red Brown, #12, grid cancel, clear margins all round, small sealed tear, Fine to Very Fine appearing. Scott $700. Estimate $150-180.

Harmer-Schau Auction Galleries, Aug 2015, Sale 106, Lot 1300

Price of US Stamp Scott Catalog #12 - 5c 1856 Jefferson. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Aug 2015, Sale 672, Lot 2145

1856, 5¢ red brown (Scott 12), tied on small piece by a lovely strike of black “San Francisco, Cal., May 5” cancellation, impressive multiple with outstanding rich color, Fine. Scott $1,650. Estimate price $750 – 1,000.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Aug 2015, Sale 672, Lot 2145

Prices of US Stamps Scott # 12 - 5c 1856 Jefferson. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Aug 2015, Sale 672, Lot 2146

1856, 5¢ red brown (Scott 12), red and black cancellations, a beautiful large margined example includes nice part of sheet margin at right, with breathtaking color and impression, Very Fine, with 2005 P.S.E. certificate graded VF 80J. Scott $700. Estimate value $600 – 800.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Aug 2015, Sale 672, Lot 2146

Costs of US Stamp Scott Catalogue # 12: 5c 1856 Jefferson. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Aug 2015, Sale 672, Lot 2147

1856, 5¢ red brown (Scott 12), light black town cancellation, extremely fresh and choice, a select example, Very Fine. Scott $700. Estimate $400 – 600.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Aug 2015, Sale 672, Lot 2147

Prices of US Stamp Scott Cat. 12 - 1856 5c Jefferson. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Aug 2015, Sale 672, Lot 2148

1856, 5¢ red brown (Scott 12), black grid cancellation, decent example with radiant color; minute thin spot and diagonal crease, otherwise Fine to Very Fine, with 2014 Weiss certificate. Scott $700. Estimate value $200 – 300.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Aug 2015, Sale 672, Lot 2148

Cost of US Stamps Scott Catalogue # 12: 5c 1856 Jefferson. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Jul 2015, Sale 1107, Lot 66

5c Red Brown (Scott 12). Large to huge margins, deep rich color with light circular datestamp, barely perceptible tiny corner crease at top left, still Extremely Fine

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Jul 2015, Sale 1107, Lot 66

Prices of US Stamp Scott Catalogue #12 - 5c 1856 Jefferson. Cherrystone Auctions, Jul 2015, Sale 201507, Lot 2009

United States 1851-57 Issue 1851 5c red brown, unused without gum, full to clear margins all around, fresh and fine, rare unused stamp, with 1962 and 2015 PFCs

Cherrystone Auctions, Jul 2015, Sale 201507, Lot 2009

Price of US Stamp Scott Cat. #12: 1856 5c Jefferson. Spink Shreves Galleries, Jul 2015, Sale 151, Lot 32

Scott #12, 5c Red brown, attractive used example with four ample to large margins, strong color and impression, neat portion of a black c.d.s. cancel, very fine and choice; 1997 APS certificate.

Spink Shreves Galleries, Jul 2015, Sale 151, Lot 32

Values of US Stamps Scott Catalog 12: 5c 1856 Jefferson. Spink Shreves Galleries, Jul 2015, Sale 151, Lot 31

Scott #12, 5c Red brown, four large margins, strong rich color and a clean impression, unusually light black c.d.s. cancel, very fine and choice; 2015 PF certificate (VF 80; SSV $700.00).

Spink Shreves Galleries, Jul 2015, Sale 151, Lot 31

Prices of US Stamps Scott #12: 5c 1856 Jefferson. Cherrystone Auctions, Jul 2015, Sale 201507, Lot 12

United States 1851-57 Issue 1851 5c red brown, margins all around, v.f., tied by New Orleans (Nov 3, 1856) pmk on FL to France, red New York Nov.Scott 12 Br.Packet transit and various arrival pmks, small piece of address portion excised, otherwise v.f.

Cherrystone Auctions, Jul 2015, Sale 201507, Lot 12
