US Stamp Values Scott 212: 1883 1c Benjamin Franklin American Bank Note. Page 1

Values of US Stamps Scott # 212: 1c 1883 Franklin. Regency-Superior, Aug 2015, Sale 112, Lot 1277

USA (Scott 212) 1887 FRANKLIN BANKNOTE 1¢ ULTRAMARINE (TOP PLATE) Scarce top margin block of 20 (10×2) with selvage at top and natural straight edge at left. Plate #698, letters ‘P P’ and ABNCo. imprint. Five stamps hinged, balance MINT never hinged. Fresh block, fine and better. Cat value for singles. Cat $4800.

Regency-Superior, Aug 2015, Sale 112, Lot 1277

Costs of US Stamps Scott Catalogue #212 - 1c 1883 Franklin. Spink Shreves Galleries, Jul 2015, Sale 151, Lot 172

Scott #212, 1c Ultramarine, striking top left corner margin mint single, wonderfully fresh, exceptionally well centered and margined, pristine o.g., never hinged, very fine and choice; 2000 APS certificate.

Spink Shreves Galleries, Jul 2015, Sale 151, Lot 172

US Stamp Price Scott Cat. #212: 1c 1883 Franklin. H.R. Harmer, Jun 2015, Sale 3007, Lot 3042

212P1, 1887 1c Ultramarine, Large die proof on india, with imprint “C -178 / AMERICAN BANK NOTE CO.N.Y.”, 145x222mm, fresh and Very Fine (Scott value $650)

H.R. Harmer, Jun 2015, Sale 3007, Lot 3042

US Stamps Prices Scott Catalog 212 - 1c 1883 Franklin. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Apr 2015, Sale 1096, Lot 373

1c Ultramarine (212). Top imprint, plate no. 575 and letter “R” block of fourteen, unused (regummed), bright color, pos. 3 translucency at top, few sensibly reinforced perf separations, Fine-Very Fine appearance, Scott Retail as with original gum

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Apr 2015, Sale 1096, Lot 373

Prices of US Stamps Scott Cat. #212 - 1c 1883 Franklin. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Apr 2015, Sale 1096, Lot 372

1c Ultramarine (Scott 212). Mint N.H., brilliant color, Extremely Fine, with 1998 P.F. certificate

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Apr 2015, Sale 1096, Lot 372

US Stamp Price Scott 212: 1c 1883 Franklin. Matthew Bennett International, Feb 2015, Sale 351, Lot 136

o 1887, 1¢ ultramarine, imperf (Scott 212a), horizontal strip of 3 tied on piece with 1890 “Hoboken NJ” duplex cancels, large margins, fresh color. Left pair toned at bottom. Otherwise Extremely Fine. Estimate 2,000 – 3,000 AN EXCEEDINGLY RARE USED IMPERFORATE MULTIPLE, ONE OF ONLY 3 CERTIFIED AS USED BY THE PHILATELIC FOUNDATION AND THE OTHERS BEING A PEN CANCELLED PAIR, AND ANOTHER STRIP OF 3, BOTH OF WHICH HAVE THINS. Expertization: 1998 P.F. Certificate as 212Pa. Provenance: Eagle, Floyd.

Matthew Bennett International, Feb 2015, Sale 351, Lot 136

US Stamps Price Scott Catalog 212: 1883 1c Franklin. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Feb 2015, Sale 1092, Lot 1149

1c Ultramarine (212). Complete pane of 100 with imprint and plate no. 698 at top and bottom, natural s.e. at left, no selvage at right, approximately 70+ stamps Mint N.H., edges with tiny h.r. slivers to sensibly prevent separation, couple h.r. in bottom plate block and in selvage of top plate block, which has one stamp with thin spot, a few other small thins in selvage, fresh and bright color FINE-VERY FINE. A RARE FULL PANE OF THE ONE-CENT 1887 AMERICAN BANK NOTE COMPANY ISSUE. Scott Retail as two hinged plate blocks of 10, 60 Mint N.H. and 20 hinged singles more than $22,000.00

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Feb 2015, Sale 1092, Lot 1149

Cost of US Stamps Scott Catalogue 212: 1883 1c Franklin. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Dec 2014, Sale 1090, Lot 1366

1c Ultramarine (Scott 212). Wide selvage at top, described as previously hinged by the P.F. but in our opinion the gum is absolutely pristine, bright color, exceptionally well-centered, Extremely Fine, with 2003 and 2014 P.F. certificates (XF 90)

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Dec 2014, Sale 1090, Lot 1366

US Stamps Value Scott Catalog #212: 1c 1883 Franklin. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Dec 2014, Sale 661, Lot 183

1887, 1¢ ultramarine (Scott 212), o.g., never hinged, extremely handsome mint stamp with alluring rich color, a beauty, Very Fine, 2014 P.S.E. certificate. Scott $290. Estimate price $200 – 300.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Dec 2014, Sale 661, Lot 183

Price of US Stamp Scott Catalogue #212 - 1883 1c Franklin. Cherrystone Auctions, Nov 2014, Sale 201411, Lot 35

United States 1881-1888 Banknote Issues 1887 1c ultramarine, large margins all around, v.f., with 1988 PFC and 2006 PSE certificates (for a top margin single, which has since been detached)

Cherrystone Auctions, Nov 2014, Sale 201411, Lot 35

US Stamp Value Scott Catalog #212 - 1883 1c Franklin. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Nov 2014, Sale 1084, Lot 3476

1c Ultramarine (212). Top imprint and plate no. 719 block of 50, representing the top half of the pane, natural s.e. at right, brilliant color, unused (no gum), few perf separations sensibly reinforced, natural pre-printing paperfolds affect three stamps in left vertical row FINE-VERY FINE. AN IMPRESSIVE HALF-PANE OF THE ONE-CENT 1887 AMERICAN BANK NOTE COMPANY ISSUE. Scott Retail $5,270.00 as original gum

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Nov 2014, Sale 1084, Lot 3476

US Stamps Price Scott Catalog # 212: 1883 1c Franklin. Spink Shreves Galleries, May 2014, Sale 148, Lot 189

Scott #212P4, 1c Ultramarine, plate proof on card, a handsome example of one of the rarest card proofs from the 19th century, large balanced margins all around, intense color and exceptionally fresh, extremely fine; a major key to a proof collection; 2012 PF certificate.

Spink Shreves Galleries, May 2014, Sale 148, Lot 189

Cost of US Stamps Scott Cat. 212 - 1883 1c Franklin. Matthew Bennett International, May 2014, Sale 350, Lot 319

**    1¢ ultramarine (Scott 212), excellent centering with large and beautifully balanced margins, bright and fresh, original gum, never hinged, Extremely Fine (photo). $290 Expertization: Photocopy of 1991 P.F. Certificate for block from which it was taken.

Matthew Bennett International, May 2014, Sale 350, Lot 319

US Stamp Value Scott #212: 1883 1c Franklin. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Apr 2014, Sale 1068, Lot 165

1c Ultramarine (Scott 212). Wide sheet selvage at top, described as previously hinged by the P.F., but in our opinion the gum is absolutely pristine, bright color, exceptionally well-centered, Extremely Fine, with 2003 P.F. certificate

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Apr 2014, Sale 1068, Lot 165

US Stamps Values Scott #212 - 1c 1883 Franklin. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Mar 2014, Sale 1067, Lot 1189

1c Ultramarine (Scott 212). Clear “Burlington, Vt.” straightline precancel, Very Fine and scarce, with 1991 P.F. certificate

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Mar 2014, Sale 1067, Lot 1189
