US Stamps Prices Scott 266: 1895 2c George Washington Bureau. Page 1

Prices of US Stamp Scott Cat. 266: 2c 1895 Washington. Regency-Superior, Aug 2015, Sale 112, Lot 537

USA (Scott 266) 1895 WASHINGTON 2¢ CARMINE TYPE II, PLATE STRIP OF 3 Left margin plate strip of 3 with plate number 170 and Type IV inscription. Fine, fresh, MINT never hinged. Cat $340.

Regency-Superior, Aug 2015, Sale 112, Lot 537

Prices of US Stamps Scott Cat. 266 - 1895 2c Washington. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Dec 2014, Sale 661, Lot 235

1895, 2¢ carmine, type II (Scott 266), o.g., never hinged, radiant color, a lovely example of this elusive type II stamp, Fine to Very Fine, 2014 P.S.E. certificate. Scott $100. Estimate value $75 – 100.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Dec 2014, Sale 661, Lot 235

Value of US Stamps Scott Cat. # 266: 2c 1895 Washington. Regency-Superior, Nov 2014, Sale 108, Lot 540

USA (Scott 266) 1895 WASHINGTON 2? CARMINE TYPE II Wide top margin strip of 3 with imprint & plate #132. Fresh, MINT never hinged, extremely fine. Cat value $340.

Regency-Superior, Nov 2014, Sale 108, Lot 540

Value of US Stamp Scott Cat. # 266 - 1895 2c Washington. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Nov 2014, Sale 1084, Lot 3596

2c Carmine, Ty. II (266). Top imprint and plate no. 133 block of six, five stamps Mint N.H., top center stamp lightly hinged, brilliant color, Very Fine and choice, Scott Retail as singles

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Nov 2014, Sale 1084, Lot 3596

US Stamp Value Scott # 266: 1895 2c Washington. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Nov 2014, Sale 1084, Lot 3595

2c Carmine, Ty. II (Scott 266). Brilliant color as fresh as the day it was printed, Jumbo margins, faintly cancelled, Extremely Fine Gem, with 2009 P.S.E. certificate (XF-Superb 95 Jumbo; SMQ $250.00 as 95, $960.00 as 98), this is the highest grade awarded and the only example to achieve it

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Nov 2014, Sale 1084, Lot 3595

US Stamps Price Scott Catalogue 266 - 2c 1895 Washington. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, May 2014, Sale 653, Lot 2181

1895, 2¢ carmine, type II (Scott 266), o.g., never hinged, Post Office fresh stamp with sharp clear impression, Very Fine, 2003 P.S.E. certificate. Scott $100. Estimate $100 – 150.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, May 2014, Sale 653, Lot 2181

Price of US Stamp Scott Catalogue # 266 - 1895 2c Washington. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Apr 2014, Sale 1068, Lot 196

2c Carmine, Ty. II (Scott 266). Mint N.H. stamp with left plate no. 70 selvage, lightly hinged in selvage only, vibrant color, perfectly centered with wide and evenly-proportioned margins, Extremely Fine Gem, a superb stamp, with 2000 P.F. certificate

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Apr 2014, Sale 1068, Lot 196

Value of US Stamps Scott # 266 - 2c 1895 Washington. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Nov 2013, Sale 1057, Lot 856

2c Carmine, Ty. II (Scott 266). Mint N.H., brilliant color, Jumbo margins, Extremely Fine, with 2009 P.S.E. certificate (VF-XF 85 Jumbo; SMQ price $170.00 as 85, $325.00 as 90)

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Nov 2013, Sale 1057, Lot 856

Price of US Stamp Scott Cat. #266 - 1895 2c Washington. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Sep 2013, Sale 639, Lot 3358

1895, 2¢ carmine, type II (266), left plate number and imprint strip of 3, o.g., never hinged (trivial natural gum skips are of little consequence); top stamp very lightly hinged, extremely attractive multiple with unbelievable deep rich color, each stamp with extra large margins, Very Fine to Extremely Fine. Scott $300 for singles. Estimate price $200 – 300.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Sep 2013, Sale 639, Lot 3358

Costs of US Stamp Scott Cat. #266 - 2c 1895 Washington. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, May 2013, Sale 1044, Lot 214

2c Carmine, Ty. II (Scott 266). Mint N.H., Jumbo margins and choice centering, vibrant color on post-office fresh paper, Extremely Fine, with 2004 P.F. certificate

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, May 2013, Sale 1044, Lot 214

Costs of US Stamp Scott #266: 1895 2c Washington. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Apr 2013, Sale 636, Lot 217

1895, 2¢ carmine, type II (Scott 266), bottom plate number and imprint strip of 3, o.g., never hinged, nice big margins and extremely intense color, handsome multiple, Very Fine. Scott $340. Estimate $250 – 350.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Apr 2013, Sale 636, Lot 217

US Stamp Value Scott Catalog #266 - 1895 2c Washington. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Apr 2013, Sale 636, Lot 218

1895, 2¢ carmine, type II (Scott 266), left plate block of 6, o.g., never hinged, extraordinarily fresh multiple, with warm rich color, Fine. Scott $1,000. Estimate $300 – 400.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Apr 2013, Sale 636, Lot 218

Price of US Stamps Scott Cat. # 266: 1895 2c Washington. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Mar 2013, Sale 635, Lot 380

1895, 2¢ carmine, type II (Scott 266), o.g., never hinged, brilliant fresh color, a wonderfully choice example of this eluisve type II stamp, Extremely Fine to Superb. Scott $100. Estimate price $200 – 300.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Mar 2013, Sale 635, Lot 380

Costs of US Stamps Scott Cat. #266: 1895 2c Washington. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Nov 2012, Sale 1034, Lot 248

2c Carmine, Ty. II (266). Original gum, very lightly hinged, brilliant color, mathematically perfect centering, long and full perforations, Extremely Fine Gem, a superb stamp in every respect, with 2008 P.S.E. certificate (OGph, Gem 100, unpriced in SMQ above the grade of 98, SMQ $290.00 as 98), this is the highest grade awarded to this Scott number in any category (the highest Mint N.H. is 98) and it is the only example to achieve this grade

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Nov 2012, Sale 1034, Lot 248

Price of US Stamp Scott #266: 1895 2c Washington. Matthew Bennett International, Sep 2012, Sale 345, Lot 280

1895, 2¢ carmine, type II (266), perfectly centered with large even margins, brilliant color and immaculate, never hinged original gum; post office fresh and Extremely Fine to Superb. SMQ $900. Scott $100 Expertization: 2004 PSE Certificate graded XF-Sup 95. Provenance: Beckley.

Matthew Bennett International, Sep 2012, Sale 345, Lot 280
