Price of US Stamp Scott 270: 1895 5c Grant Bureau. Page 1

US Stamps Price Scott Catalog # 270: 5c 1895 Grant. Regency-Superior, Aug 2015, Sale 112, Lot 541

USA (Scott 270) 1895 GRANT 5¢ CHOCOLATE, PLATE STRIP (PSE GRADED 85) Top plate & imprint strip of 3 (plate #359). Fresh, very fine to extremely fine. Original gum, previously hinged, center and right stamps never hinged. (2013 PSE Graded Cert #01272797, VF-XF 85, Mint OGh). Cat value for singles. Cat $245.

Regency-Superior, Aug 2015, Sale 112, Lot 541

Price of US Stamps Scott Catalogue 270: 5c 1895 Grant. Spink Shreves Galleries, Jul 2015, Sale 151, Lot 220

Scott #270, 5c Chocolate, handsome top margin plate no. 250 single, exceptionally well centered within lavish margins, brilliantly rich color, o.g., n.h., extremely fine; photocopy 2010 PSE certificate for a strip from which this was taken and 2010 PSE as a single (XF 90 Jumbo; SMQ $300.00 for 90 and $850.00 for 95).

Spink Shreves Galleries, Jul 2015, Sale 151, Lot 220

Price of US Stamp Scott Cat. 270: 5c 1895 Grant. Cherrystone Auctions, May 2015, Sale 201505, Lot 57

United States – Offices in China 1891 (1 Sep) cover with Shanghai Local Post cds on back, franked with 5c brown, tied by oval U.S. Postal Agency Shanghai (4 Sep) datestamp, sent to Chicago, with arrival pmk, cover wrinkles and hinge marks, otherwise fine and scarce combination usage

Cherrystone Auctions, May 2015, Sale 201505, Lot 57

Value of US Stamps Scott #270 - 1895 5c Grant. Schuyler J. Rumsey Philatelic Auctions, Apr 2015, Sale 60, Lot 2885

1895, 5¢ chocolate. Top margin plate “190” block of 6 with imprint, o.g., lightly hinged (four stamps never hinged), fresh with radiant color, F.-V.F. Scott No. 270; $675.

Schuyler J. Rumsey Philatelic Auctions, Apr 2015, Sale 60, Lot 2885

Prices of US Stamps Scott Catalog #270 - 5c 1895 Grant. Schuyler J. Rumsey Philatelic Auctions, Apr 2015, Sale 60, Lot 2750

1895, 5¢ chocolate. Bottom margin plate number “250” single, o.g., never hinged, bright color, choice centering, fresh and Extremely Fine, with photocopy of 2004 P.F. certificate for strip. Scott No. 270; $105.

Schuyler J. Rumsey Philatelic Auctions, Apr 2015, Sale 60, Lot 2750

Prices of US Stamp Scott # 270 - 5c 1895 Grant. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Nov 2014, Sale 1084, Lot 3600

5c Chocolate (Scott 270). Mint N.H. top imprint and plate no. 390 block of six with wide selvage, radiant color, Very Fine and choice, a beautiful Mint N.H. plate block, with 2004 P.F. certificate

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Nov 2014, Sale 1084, Lot 3600

Cost of US Stamp Scott Cat. #270 - 1895 5c Grant. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Nov 2014, Sale 1084, Lot 3601

5c Chocolate (Scott 270). Top imprint and plate no. 193 block of six with wide selvage, barely hinged at top center, others Mint N.H., pretty shade, choice centering, bottom center stamp natural perf disc inclusion, Very Fine

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Nov 2014, Sale 1084, Lot 3601

Values of US Stamp Scott Cat. #270: 1895 5c Grant. H.R. Harmer, Oct 2014, Sale 3006, Lot 1287

270, 1895 5c Chocolate,plate no. 162 single, NH, several small natural gum skips, fresh and Very Fine (Scott value $105)

H.R. Harmer, Oct 2014, Sale 3006, Lot 1287

Costs of US Stamp Scott # 270: 5c 1895 Grant. Harmer-Schau Auction Galleries, Aug 2014, Sale 102, Lot 1904

U.S. General Issues, 1895, 5¢, 15¢, 50¢ on Cover to France, Scott #270, 274-275, tied to oversized blue linen lined security envelope by New York Feb 21 96 duplex cancels, paying 14x UPU rate, Paris ? Mars 96 receiving cancel, light staining around 50¢, otherwise Fine. Ex. Wilson. Estimate $150-200.

Harmer-Schau Auction Galleries, Aug 2014, Sale 102, Lot 1904

Prices of US Stamps Scott # 270: 5c 1895 Grant. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, May 2014, Sale 653, Lot 2184

1895, 5¢ chocolate (Scott 270), o.g., never hinged, gorgeous stamp with exquisite color and extremely large margins in immaculate mint condition, Extremely Fine to Superb, 2007 P.F. certificate graded XF-SUP-95 for this stamp when it was a right sheet margin single, which has subsequently been removed. Scott $105. Estimate $600 – 800.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, May 2014, Sale 653, Lot 2184

US Stamps Values Scott Catalog # 270 - 5c 1895 Grant. Matthew Bennett International, May 2014, Sale 350, Lot 395

o    5¢ chocolate (Scott 270), precise centering, beautiful rich color, very light cancel, absolutely Superb, only one graded higher, a 98J. SMQ price $880 (photo). $3 Expertization: 2009 P.S.E. Certificate graded Superb 98.

Matthew Bennett International, May 2014, Sale 350, Lot 395

Costs of US Stamps Scott Cat. # 270: 1895 5c Grant. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Mar 2014, Sale 1067, Lot 1270

5c Chocolate (Scott 270). Mint N.H., warm shade on bright paper, long and full perforations, Jumbo margins, Extremely Fine Gem, with 2014 P.S.E. certificate (XF-Superb 95 Jumbo; SMQ value $850.00 as 95, $3,150.00 as 98)

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Mar 2014, Sale 1067, Lot 1270

Cost of US Stamp Scott 270: 1895 5c Grant. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Dec 2013, Sale 1062, Lot 453

5c Chocolate (Scott 270). Mint N.H., pretty shade, choice centering with unusually wide and balanced margins, Extremely Fine Gem, with 2000 and 2006 P.F. certificates (XF-Superb 95)

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Dec 2013, Sale 1062, Lot 453

US Stamp Price Scott Cat. # 270: 5c 1895 Grant. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Nov 2013, Sale 1057, Lot 858

5c Chocolate (Scott 270). Original gum, barest trace of hinging (described on accompanying P.F. certificate as Mint N.H.), intense shade and impression, Jumbo margins, Extremely Fine Gem, with 1999 P.F. certificate as Mint N.H., with 2004 P.S.E. certificate (OGph, XF-Superb 95 Jumbo; SMQ value $125.00 as 95, $270.00 as 98)

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Nov 2013, Sale 1057, Lot 858

Value of US Stamp Scott 270 - 5c 1895 Grant. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Mar 2013, Sale 1040, Lot 1579

5c Chocolate (Scott 270). Mint N.H. with wide plate no. 391 selvage at bottom, rich color, balanced margins, Extremely Fine Gem, with 2012 P.S.A.G. certificate (XF-Superb 95)

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Mar 2013, Sale 1040, Lot 1579
