US Stamps Price Scott 276: 1895 US$1.00 Perry Bureau. Page 1

Values of US Stamp Scott Cat. #276: 1895 US$1.00 Perry. Regency-Superior, Aug 2015, Sale 112, Lot 556

USA (Scott 276) 1895 PERRY $1 BLACK TYPE I Original gum, previously hinged. Fine to very fine. Cat $600.

Regency-Superior, Aug 2015, Sale 112, Lot 556

US Stamp Value Scott Catalogue # 276: US$1.00 1895 Perry. Regency-Superior, Aug 2015, Sale 112, Lot 555

USA (Scott 276) 1895 PERRY $1 BLACK TYPE I (PSE GRADED 85) OG, previously hinged, very fine to extremely fine. (2014 PSE Graded Cert #01290983, VF-XF 85, Mint OGh) (SMQ price $775)

Regency-Superior, Aug 2015, Sale 112, Lot 555

US Stamps Value Scott 276: US$1.00 1895 Perry. Harmer-Schau Auction Galleries, Aug 2015, Sale 106, Lot 1687

U.S.; General Issues, 1895, $1 Black, Type I, #276, “Slightly dist. o.g., corner crease”, Fine to Very Fine appearance. Scott $600. Estimate price $150-180.

Harmer-Schau Auction Galleries, Aug 2015, Sale 106, Lot 1687

Values of US Stamp Scott Cat. #276: US$1.00 1895 Perry. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Aug 2015, Sale 672, Lot 2550

1895, $1 black, type I (Scott 276), extraordinary top margin part imprint single, o.g., never hinged with full unblemished gum, beautiful deep rich color, a true condition rarity in this magnificent state of preservation; a few perfs enhanced at left, otherwise Very Fine, with 1985 P.F. certificate. Scott $1,800. Estimate $1,000 – 1,500.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Aug 2015, Sale 672, Lot 2550

US Stamp Values Scott Cat. #276: US$1.00 1895 Perry. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Aug 2015, Sale 672, Lot 2551

1895, $1 black, type I (Scott 276), o.g., hinged, beautiful example with captivating rich color, a most impressive stamp, Very Fine, with 2006 P.F. certificate. Scott $600. Estimate price $400 – 600.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Aug 2015, Sale 672, Lot 2551

US Stamp Value Scott Catalogue #276: US$1.00 1895 Perry. Spink Shreves Galleries, Jul 2015, Sale 151, Lot 224

Scott #276, $1.00 Black, Ty. I, handsome mint example, well centered amid large margins, truly prooflike color and impression on bright fresh paper, o.g., relatively lightly hinged, extremely fine; 1977 PF certificate.

Spink Shreves Galleries, Jul 2015, Sale 151, Lot 224

US Stamps Values Scott 276 - 1895 US$1.00 Perry. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, May 2015, Sale 669, Lot 2794

1895, $1 black, type I (Scott 276), o.g., hinge remnant (faint natural gum wrinkle at left), wide margins and sharp clearly etched impression, Fine to Very Fine. Scott $600. Estimate value $200 – 300.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, May 2015, Sale 669, Lot 2794

Price of US Stamp Scott Catalog # 276: 1895 US$1.00 Perry. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, May 2015, Sale 669, Lot 2791

1895, $1 black, type I (Scott 276), o.g., lightly hinged, handsome example with sharp clear impression, a very fresh stamp, Very Fine, 1994 P.F. and 2015 P.S.E. certificates. Scott $600. Estimate price $400 – 600.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, May 2015, Sale 669, Lot 2791

US Stamp Value Scott Catalog #276 - 1895 US$1.00 Perry. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, May 2015, Sale 669, Lot 2792

1895, $1 black, type I (Scott 276), o.g., previously hinged, lovely stamp with sharp clear impression and choice centering, Very Fine, 2004 P.F. certificate. Scott $600. Estimate price $400 – 600.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, May 2015, Sale 669, Lot 2792

Cost of US Stamp Scott 276 - US$1.00 1895 Perry. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, May 2015, Sale 669, Lot 2793

1895, $1 black, type I (Scott 276), o.g., previously hinged, attractive example with crisp clear coor and impression, Very Fine, with copy of 2012 P.F. certificate for block of 4, from which this stamp was taken, this being top right stamp from the block. Scott $600. Estimate value $400 – 600.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, May 2015, Sale 669, Lot 2793

Values of US Stamp Scott Catalogue #276 - 1895 US$1.00 Perry. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Apr 2015, Sale 1096, Lot 479

$1.00 Black, Ty. I (Scott 276). Mint N.H., intense shade on bright white paper, attractive margins and centering, Very Fine, with 1996 and 2002 P.F. certificates

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Apr 2015, Sale 1096, Lot 479

Value of US Stamps Scott Catalogue #276: 1895 US$1.00 Perry. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Apr 2015, Sale 1096, Lot 481

$1.00 Black Ty. I, Imperforate (Scott 276b). Horizontal Pair, original gum, large even margins, Very Fine, with 1992 P.F. certificate

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Apr 2015, Sale 1096, Lot 481

Price of US Stamps Scott Catalog 276 - 1895 US$1.00 Perry. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Apr 2015, Sale 1096, Lot 480

$1.00 Black, Ty. I (Scott 276). Block of four, original gum, lightly hinged, detailed impression, right stamps especially choice centering, Fine-Very Fine and attractive block

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Apr 2015, Sale 1096, Lot 480

US Stamps Values Scott #276: 1895 US$1.00 Perry. Schuyler J. Rumsey Philatelic Auctions, Apr 2015, Sale 60, Lot 2266

1895, $1 black, type I. O.g., very lightly hinged, rich bold color, near perfect centering amid beautifully balanced margins, Extremely Fine to Superb, a brilliant mint gem, with 2015 P.S.E. Graded certificate (XF-Sup 95, SMQ $2,600). Scott No. 276; $600.

Schuyler J. Rumsey Philatelic Auctions, Apr 2015, Sale 60, Lot 2266

Value of US Stamps Scott Catalogue 276 - US$1.00 1895 Perry. Schuyler J. Rumsey Philatelic Auctions, Apr 2015, Sale 60, Lot 2756

1895, $1 black, type I. Top margin plate number “76” single, o.g., barest trace of hinge, perfect centering, deep bold color and remarkably fresh, Extremely Fine to Superb, a wonderful gem $1 Small Bueau plate number single, with 1999 P.S.E. certificate. Scott No. 276; $600.

Schuyler J. Rumsey Philatelic Auctions, Apr 2015, Sale 60, Lot 2756
