US Stamps Value Scott 375: 2c 1910 George Washington Perf 12. Page 1

Value of US Stamp Scott Catalogue 375: 2c 1910 Washington Perf 12. Harmer-Schau Auction Galleries, Aug 2015, Sale 106, Lot 1784

U.S.; General Issues, 1910, Knoxville Appalachian Exposition Cover, Scott #375, Aug 8, 1911 machine cancel ties 2¢ adhesive (#375) to reverse of envelope, to Boston, all over ad on reverse, fine to very fine. Estimate price $100-140.

Harmer-Schau Auction Galleries, Aug 2015, Sale 106, Lot 1784

Cost of US Stamp Scott Cat. # 375 - 1910 2c Washington Perf 12. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Aug 2015, Sale 672, Lot 2690

1910, 2¢ lake (Scott 375b), o.g., hinged (pencil mark on gum), decent example of the scarce lake shade with true color, Fine. Scott $800. Estimate $200 – 300.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Aug 2015, Sale 672, Lot 2690

Prices of US Stamps Scott Cat. # 375 - 2c 1910 Washington Perf 12. Schuyler J. Rumsey Philatelic Auctions, Apr 2015, Sale 60, Lot 2358

1910, 2¢ carmine, double impression. Clearly visible double impression throughout the design, rich color, o.g., F.-V.F. Scott No. 375d; $750.

Schuyler J. Rumsey Philatelic Auctions, Apr 2015, Sale 60, Lot 2358

US Stamp Price Scott Catalog 375 - 1910 2c Washington Perf 12. Matthew Bennett International, Feb 2015, Sale 351, Lot 173

o 1910, 2¢ lake (Scott 375b), dark unmistakable color. Neat machine cancel. Slightly toned at top, with a small crease. Otherwise F.-V.F. unlisted and unpriced used. AN ATTRACTIVE EXAMPLE OF THIS EXCEEDINGLY RARE USED SHADE— IN FACT, THIS IS THE ONLY USED EXAMPLE CERTIFIED BY THE PHILATELIC FOUNDATION. Expertization: 1997 P.F. Certificate.

Matthew Bennett International, Feb 2015, Sale 351, Lot 173

Prices of US Stamp Scott 375: 1910 2c Washington Perf 12. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Sep 2014, Sale 1078, Lot 492

2c Carmine, Booklet Panes of Six (375a). 10, representing Positions A (Mint N.H.), B, C, D (Mint N.H.), D, H (Mint N.H.), I, J, K and M, three with h.r., clear guide lines and part arrows where they should occur to define the position, Fine-Very Fine, nice collector lot with nine of the 12 collectible positions, B, C, D and K are particularly scarce, Scott Retail as most common position

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Sep 2014, Sale 1078, Lot 492

US Stamps Values Scott Catalogue 375: 2c 1910 Washington Perf 12. Harmer-Schau Auction Galleries, Aug 2014, Sale 102, Lot 1996

o U.S. General Issues, 1910, 2¢ Carmine, #375, used, huge copy, Grade 98J a Superb jumbo, PSE (2004) cert. Scott Stamp Values $135+. Estimate value $150-180.

Harmer-Schau Auction Galleries, Aug 2014, Sale 102, Lot 1996

US Stamp Values Scott Catalogue # 375 - 1910 2c Washington Perf 12. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, May 2014, Sale 652, Lot 557

1910, 2¢ carmine (Scott 375), neat black cancellation, monumental example with huge margins and bright vivid color, a true World Class GEM deserving placement in the finest collection, Superb, 2012 P.S.E. certificate graded GEM-100J, 1 of 4 examples achieving this pinnacle of grades, and is the highest graded #375, according to PSE’s population report. SMQ $135 in grade of SUP-98. Scott $1. Estimate price $250 – 350.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, May 2014, Sale 652, Lot 557

US Stamp Values Scott 375 - 2c 1910 Washington Perf 12. Spink Shreves Galleries, May 2014, Sale 148, Lot 280

Scott #375, 2c Carmine, highly select used single, extraordinarily well centered amid large margins, strong color, neat oval of bars of cancel, extremely fine gem; 2012 PSE certificate (Superb 98; SMQ $135.00).

Spink Shreves Galleries, May 2014, Sale 148, Lot 280

Prices of US Stamps Scott Cat. # 375 - 2c 1910 Washington Perf 12. Matthew Bennett International, May 2014, Sale 350, Lot 529

*    2¢ lake (Scott 375b), choice centering within large margins, intense color on crisp white paper, fresh, original gum, lightly hinged, Extremely Fine (photo). $800 Expertization: 1981 P.F. Certificate.

Matthew Bennett International, May 2014, Sale 350, Lot 529

Prices of US Stamp Scott Cat. 375 - 1910 2c Washington Perf 12. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Dec 2013, Sale 1062, Lot 551

2c Lake (Scott 375b). Deep rich color in this distinctive shade, attractive margins and centering, Very Fine, with 2004 P.S.E. and 2005 P.F. certificates

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Dec 2013, Sale 1062, Lot 551

Cost of US Stamps Scott # 375 - 2c 1910 Washington Perf 12. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Dec 2013, Sale 1062, Lot 550

2c Carmine (Scott 375). Mint N.H., wide margins and almost mathematically precise centering, bright color on crisp paper, Extremely Fine Gem, with 2009 P.S.E. certificate (Superb 98; SMQ price $450.00)

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Dec 2013, Sale 1062, Lot 550

Value of US Stamps Scott 375 - 2c 1910 Washington Perf 12. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Dec 2013, Sale 640, Lot 346

1910, 2¢ lake (375b), neat wavy black cancellation, incredibly scarce and undervalued example of the scarce used lake shade, with nice big margins and beautiful deep saturated color, unlisted in Scott in used condition, but much scarcer than it’s unused counterpart that catalogs for $800.00; small crease at top left and slightly toned at top, otherwise Fine to Very Fine, 1997 P.F. certificate. Scott $800 for unused. Estimate price $500 – 750.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Dec 2013, Sale 640, Lot 346

US Stamp Prices Scott Cat. 375: 1910 2c Washington Perf 12. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Dec 2013, Sale 640, Lot 344

1910, 2¢ carmine (375), 54 singles with various plate numbers and positions. Nice group, difficult to duplicate, o.g., 26 stamps hinge remnants, 28 stamps never hinged; few small faults, generally Fine to Very Fine. Scott $589. Estimate price $200 – 300. (Image)

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Dec 2013, Sale 640, Lot 344

Value of US Stamp Scott Catalog #375 - 1910 2c Washington Perf 12. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Dec 2013, Sale 640, Lot 345

1910, 2¢ lake (375b), disturbed o.g., decent example of this often misidentified color variety, in the true “lake” shade, with breathtaking rich color, missing from most collections; light crease and a trivial thin spot, otherwise Fine, 1997 A.P.S. certificate. Scott $800. Estimate $400 – 600.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Dec 2013, Sale 640, Lot 345

US Stamps Value Scott Catalogue #375: 1910 2c Washington Perf 12. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Sep 2013, Sale 639, Lot 3484

1910, 2¢ carmine (375), bottom plate block of 6, o.g., lightly hinged (3 stamps never hinged), particularly attractive example featuring an immense bottom selvage, with a GEM quality stamp at bottom right which is a big fat JUMBO, Very Fine to Extremely Fine, 2007 P.F. certificate. Scott $125. Estimate $150 – 200.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Sep 2013, Sale 639, Lot 3484
