US Stamps Price Scott #388: 1910 2c George Washington Coil. Page 2

Cost of US Stamps Scott Catalog # 388: 1910 2c Washington Coil. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Dec 2014, Sale 1090, Lot 1487

2c Carmine, Coil (Scott 388). Brilliant color, Very Fine, one of the most challenging coil singles to find in any collectable quality, with photocopy of 1995 P.F. certificate for a pair

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Dec 2014, Sale 1090, Lot 1487

Prices of US Stamps Scott Catalog # 388: 2c 1910 Washington Coil. Harmer-Schau Auction Galleries, Aug 2014, Sale 102, Lot 1999

U.S. General Issues, 1910, 2¢ Carmine Coil, Pair, #388, o.g., Fine to Very Fine, PSE (2007), PF (1982) certs. Scott $3,500. Estimate $1,100-1,300.

Harmer-Schau Auction Galleries, Aug 2014, Sale 102, Lot 1999

US Stamp Values Scott # 388: 1910 2c Washington Coil. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Jul 2014, Sale 1077, Lot 249

2c Carmine, Coil (Scott 388). Pair, 3mm spacing, minor h.r., fabulous wide margins and almost perfectly centered, fresh and bright EXTREMELY FINE. A MARVELOUS PAIR OF THE 1910 2-CENT CARMINE HORIZONTAL COIL WITH SINGLE-LINE WATERMARK. With 1968 and 2014 P.F. certificates

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Jul 2014, Sale 1077, Lot 249

US Stamp Prices Scott Catalogue # 388 - 2c 1910 Washington Coil. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, May 2014, Sale 652, Lot 573

1910, 2¢ carmine coil (Scott 388), o.g., lightly hinged, extremely handsome paste-up single, guide line at left, with brilliant color and boardwalk margins, Superb, 2014 P.F. certificate, “HF” Coleman guarantee handstamp on reverse. Scott $1,300. Estimate price $1,000 – 1,500.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, May 2014, Sale 652, Lot 573

Prices of US Stamp Scott Cat. 388: 2c 1910 Washington Coil. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, May 2014, Sale 652, Lot 574

1910, 2¢ carmine coil (Scott 388), paste-up pair (2mm spacing), o.g., lightly hinged, impressive multiple with brilliant color, a very rare genuine coil with tremendous eye appeal; few perf separations at top, Fine to Very Fine, 2014 P.F. certificate. Scott $3,250. Estimate value $1,500 – 2,000.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, May 2014, Sale 652, Lot 574

Costs of US Stamp Scott # 388: 1910 2c Washington Coil. Matthew Bennett International, May 2014, Sale 350, Lot 538

**    2¢ carmine coil (Scott 388), pair, 3mm spacing, deep rich color and a razor sharp impression, faint pencil notation on reverse of one, original gum, never hinged, fresh and Very Fine (photo). $7,750 AN OUTSTANDING PAIR OF THIS RARE COIL WHICH IS INFREQUENTLY SEEN IN NEVER HINGED CONDITION. THE PF HAS ONLY CERTIFIED ONLY THREE OTHER PAIRS AS NEVER HINGED AND THE PSE HAS ONLY GRADED ONE NEVER HINGED PAIR. Expertization: 2002 P.F. Certificate.

Matthew Bennett International, May 2014, Sale 350, Lot 538

Costs of US Stamps Scott Catalog # 388: 1910 2c Washington Coil. Matthew Bennett International, May 2014, Sale 350, Lot 539

*    2¢ carmine coil (Scott 388), guide line pair, rather well centered for this with wide balanced margins top and bottom, fresh color and paper, original gum, lightly hinged, F.-V.F. SMQ value $4,700 (photo). $8,250 A TRULY RARE GUIDE LINE PAIR, ONLY FIVE HAVE BEEN GRADED BY THE PSE WITH ONLY TWO HIGHER. Expertization: 1982 P.F. and 2009 P.S.E. Certificates, the latter graded F-VF 75.

Matthew Bennett International, May 2014, Sale 350, Lot 539

Value of US Stamps Scott Catalogue 388: 2c 1910 Washington Coil. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Mar 2014, Sale 1067, Lot 1469

2c Carmine, Coil (Scott 388). Small h.r., brilliant color on bright paper, three wide margins, fresh and Fine, ex Geisler, with 1986 P.F. certificate for pair

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Mar 2014, Sale 1067, Lot 1469

US Stamps Value Scott Catalogue # 388 - 2c 1910 Washington Coil. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Dec 2013, Sale 1062, Lot 567

2c Carmine, Coil (388). Guide line pair, lightly hinged, intense color and proof-like impression, beautiful centering with wide margins VERY FINE AND CHOICE. A BEAUTIFUL GUIDE LINE PAIR OF THE RARE 1910 SINGLE-LINE WATERMARK 2-CENT HORIZONTAL COIL. The 2c single-line watermark horizontal coil, Scott 388 was in production for only a short period of time before being superseded by the Perf 8-1/2 issue, Scott 393. In addition, due to the greater popularity of the horizontal coils with users, combined with a wary attitude by many collectors that early coils were simply trimmed stamps, many were used and few preserved. Ex Silver Lake. With 2001 P.F. certificate

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Dec 2013, Sale 1062, Lot 567

Values of US Stamps Scott Catalog # 388 - 2c 1910 Washington Coil. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Dec 2013, Sale 1062, Lot 569

2c Carmine, Coil (Scott 388). Barely hinged at top right corner, beautiful centering with well-proportioned margins, Extremely Fine, with 2007 P.F. certificate for pair (XF 90) and 2012 P.F. certificate for this single (XF 90)

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Dec 2013, Sale 1062, Lot 569

US Stamp Price Scott #388: 2c 1910 Washington Coil. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Dec 2013, Sale 1062, Lot 568

2c Carmine, Coil (388). Pair, wonderful rich color, nice margins and centering, guide line at right VERY FINE PAIR OF THE SCARCE 2-CENT HORIZONTAL COIL, SCOTT 388. The 2c single-line watermark horizontal coil, Scott 388 was in production for only a short period of time before being superseded by the Perf 8-1/2 issue, Scott 393. In addition, due to the greater popularity of the horizontal coils with users, combined with a wary attitude by many collectors that early coils were simply trimmed stamps, many were used and few preserved. With copy of 1948 P.F. certificate for guide line strip, this is the left pair

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Dec 2013, Sale 1062, Lot 568

Price of US Stamps Scott Catalog 388: 2c 1910 Washington Coil. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Dec 2013, Sale 640, Lot 350

1910, 2¢ carmine coil (388), neat wavy black machine cancellation, decent example of this incredibly scarce and woefully undervalued flat plate coil single, large margins and beautiful rich color, rare when found both completely sound and 100% genuine, Fine, 2003 P.S.E. certificate. Scott $2,250. Estimate $1,000 – 1,500.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Dec 2013, Sale 640, Lot 350

US Stamps Value Scott Catalogue #388 - 1910 2c Washington Coil. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Dec 2013, Sale 640, Lot 349

1910, 2¢ carmine coil (388), pair (3mm spacing), disturbed o.g., marvelous example of this incredibly scarce coil pair, with sensational rich color, the right stamp with an interesting plate smear running along right side of the stamp; two light stains, otherwise Fine to Very Fine, 1972 P.F. certificate. Scott $3,500. Estimate value $750 – 1,000.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Dec 2013, Sale 640, Lot 349

Cost of US Stamps Scott Cat. #388: 1910 2c Washington Coil. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Nov 2013, Sale 1061, Lot 3878

2c Carmine, Coil (Scott 388). Pair with 3mm spacing, radiant color, Fine example of this scarce coil pair, with 1996 P.F. certificate

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Nov 2013, Sale 1061, Lot 3878

Price of US Stamps Scott Catalogue #388 - 2c 1910 Washington Coil. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Sep 2013, Sale 639, Lot 1140

1910, 2¢ carmine coil (388), pair (3mm spacing), o.g., lightly hinged, extremely attractive example of this rarely offered coil, with exceptional margins and brilliant color, a woefully undervalued coil; each stamp with light red ink guarantee handstamp on reverse, so light and inconsequential, they are not mentioned on either of the accompanying certificates of authenticity, Fine to Very Fine, 1981 and 2013 P.F. certificates. Scott $3,500. Estimate $2,500 – 3,500.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Sep 2013, Sale 639, Lot 1140
