Value of US Stamp Scott Cat. # 452: 1c 1914 George Washington Coil Perf 10 Vertically. Page 2

Values of US Stamps Scott Cat. # 452 - 1c 1914 Washington Coil Perf 10 Vertically. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Nov 2012, Sale 1034, Lot 421

1c Green, Coil (Scott 452). Mint N.H. joint line pair, bright color, wide and balanced margins, Extremely Fine Gem, with 2003 P.S.E. certificate (XF-Superb 95, SMQ value $500.00)

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Nov 2012, Sale 1034, Lot 421

US Stamps Values Scott Catalog 452 - 1c 1914 Washington Coil Perf 10 Vertically. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Oct 2012, Sale 1032, Lot 3552

1c Green, Coil (Scott 452). Perfect centering with wide margins, rich color, barely cancelled, Extremely Fine Gem, a spectacular stamp, with 2011 P.F. and 2007 P.S.E. certificates (Superb 98, SMQ $520.00), this is the highest grade awarded and no others have achieved this grade

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Oct 2012, Sale 1032, Lot 3552

US Stamp Prices Scott Catalogue 452 - 1914 1c Washington Coil Perf 10 Vertically. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Oct 2012, Sale 632, Lot 1362

1914, 1¢ green, rotary coil (Scott 452), magnificent top quality example with brilliant fresh color, a most difficult stamp to find in GEM used condition, neat wavy black cancellation, Extremely Fine to Superb, 2012 P.S.E. certificate graded XF-SUP-95, 1 of only 5 examples at this grade, with only 1 other currently grading higher. SMQ $210. Scott $18. Estimate value $150 – 200.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Oct 2012, Sale 632, Lot 1362

US Stamp Prices Scott Cat. 452: 1914 1c Washington Coil Perf 10 Vertically. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Sep 2012, Sale 1028, Lot 398

1c Green, Coil (Scott 452). Joint line pair, crisp impression and bright shade, neat duplex and slogan cancels, Very Fine, surprisingly scarce in used condition, ex Twigg-Smith, with 2001 P.F. certificate

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Sep 2012, Sale 1028, Lot 398

US Stamps Values Scott 452 - 1c 1914 Washington Coil Perf 10 Vertically. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Oct 2011, Sale 1013, Lot 429

1c Green, Coil (Scott 452). Mint N.H. joint line pair, brilliant color, crisp impression, gorgeous centering, Extremely Fine Gem, with 1991 P.F. certificate

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Oct 2011, Sale 1013, Lot 429

US Stamps Price Scott Catalog #452 - 1914 1c Washington Coil Perf 10 Vertically. Harmer-Schau Auction Galleries, Aug 2011, Sale 90, Lot 1523

U.S.; General Issues, 1915, 1¢, 2¢ Rotary Coils on Cover to China, Scott #452, 454. Tied by Philadelphia Aug 7, 1916 duplex cancels, to Foochow, 2c 5c Chinese Dues on reverse, part of back flag missing, otherwise Fine to Very Fine. Ex. Agris. APEX (1989) cert. Estimate price $200-300.

Harmer-Schau Auction Galleries, Aug 2011, Sale 90, Lot 1523

US Stamps Values Scott #452 - 1914 1c Washington Coil Perf 10 Vertically. Matthew Bennett International, Sep 2010, Sale 333, Lot 3758

1914, 1¢ green, rotary coil (452), joint line pair, perfectly centered and post office fresh with immaculate, never hinged original gum, Extremely Fine. Scott $160 Expertization: 1990 PF Certificate.

Matthew Bennett International, Sep 2010, Sale 333, Lot 3758

Costs of US Stamps Scott Catalogue 452 - 1914 1c Washington Coil Perf 10 Vertically. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Sep 2009, Sale 968B, Lot 586

1c Green, Coil (Scott 452). Mint N.H. pair, deep rich color, choice centering, bright and crisp, Extremely Fine Gem, with 2008 P.S.E. certificate (XF-Superb 95, SMQ price $185.00)

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Sep 2009, Sale 968B, Lot 586

Values of US Stamps Scott Catalog # 452: 1914 1c Washington Coil Perf 10 Vertically. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Sep 2009, Sale 968B, Lot 585

1c Green, Coil (Scott 452). Mint N.H. joint line pair, perfect centering, bright color on crisp paper, Extremely Fine Gem, with 2002 and 2008 P.S.E. certificates (Superb 98, SMQ value $840.00)

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Sep 2009, Sale 968B, Lot 585

US Stamps Price Scott Catalogue #452: 1914 1c Washington Coil Perf 10 Vertically. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Dec 2008, Sale 967, Lot 4794

1c Green, Coil (Scott 452). Mint N.H. joint line pair, absolutely flawless centering, bright and crisp, Extremely Fine Gem, with 2008 P.S.E. certificate (Superb 98, SMQ value $1,050.00)

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Dec 2008, Sale 967, Lot 4794
