US Stamp Price Scott 462 – 1c 1916 George Washington Perf 10. Page 1

US Stamps Prices Scott Cat. #462 - 1916 1c Washington Perf 10. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Sep 2014, Sale 1078, Lot 546

1c Green Booklet Pane of Six, Cracked Plate (Scott 462a). Two panes of six showing crack at right and left, former Mint N.H. with complete crack, latter lightly hinged, scarce and desirable variety, it has been determined from checking the proof sheets that these come from plate no. 7449, panes nine and ten

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Sep 2014, Sale 1078, Lot 546

US Stamps Price Scott Catalogue # 462: 1916 1c Washington Perf 10. Cherrystone Auctions, Jun 2014, Sale 201406, Lot 91

United States 1910-30 Issues 1916 unexploded 97c booklet, lavender covers, panes with usual centering and fresh, fine

Cherrystone Auctions, Jun 2014, Sale 201406, Lot 91

US Stamp Price Scott 462: 1c 1916 Washington Perf 10. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, May 2014, Sale 652, Lot 680

1916, 1¢ green (Scott 462), o.g., never hinged, extraordinary example of this tough little stamp, with ravishing rich color and immense margins, just a great stamp, Extremely Fine to Superb. Scott $16. Estimate $100 – 150.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, May 2014, Sale 652, Lot 680

Value of US Stamp Scott Cat. 462: 1916 1c Washington Perf 10. Spink Shreves Galleries, Jan 2014, Sale 146, Lot 426

Scott #462, 1c Green, a spectacular quality mint single of this relatively common stamp, being remarkably well centered amid uncharacteristically large margins, lovely color that is especially rich and bright, pristine o.g., n.h., extremely fine gem; 2013 PSE certificate (Superb 98; SMQ value $900.00); a surprisingly elusive stamp in this exalted grade.

Spink Shreves Galleries, Jan 2014, Sale 146, Lot 426

Costs of US Stamps Scott Cat. #462: 1c 1916 Washington Perf 10. H.R. Harmer, Jun 2013, Sale 3003, Lot 1317

Scott 462, 1916 1c Green,very well centered, P.O. fresh, NH, 2013 PSE ,Graded XF-Sup 95 Certificate (SMQ ,$210)

H.R. Harmer, Jun 2013, Sale 3003, Lot 1317

Cost of US Stamps Scott 462: 1916 1c Washington Perf 10. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, May 2013, Sale 1044, Lot 285

1c Green (Scott 462). Mint N.H., intense shade and impression, perfectly centered with wide and balanced margins, long and full perforations, Extremely Fine Gem, a superb stamp in every respect, ex Killien, with 1999 P.F. and 2006 P.S.E. certificates (Superb 98, SMQ value $900.00), only four have graded higher and only for others equal this grade

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, May 2013, Sale 1044, Lot 285

Costs of US Stamp Scott # 462 - 1c 1916 Washington Perf 10. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Nov 2012, Sale 1034, Lot 432

1c Green (Scott 462). Mint N.H., perfectly centered with Jumbo margins, gorgeous color on bright paper, Extremely Fine Gem, a magnificent stamp, with 1988 P.F. and 2009 P.S.E. certificates (Superb 98 Jumbo, unpriced in SMQ above the grade of 98, SMQ value $900.00 as 98), only one example has been graded higher and only two others share this grade

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Nov 2012, Sale 1034, Lot 432

Value of US Stamps Scott Catalog # 462 - 1c 1916 Washington Perf 10. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Oct 2012, Sale 1032, Lot 3559

1c Green (Scott 462). Mathematically perfect centering with wide margins, fresh color, light wavy-line machine cancel, Extremely Fine Gem, a superb stamp, with 2011 P.F. and 2007 P.S.E. certificates (Gem 100, SMQ value $375.00 as 98, unpriced in higher grades), this is the highest grade awarded and it is shared by no others

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Oct 2012, Sale 1032, Lot 3559

Costs of US Stamp Scott Cat. # 462 - 1916 1c Washington Perf 10. Spink Shreves Galleries, Jul 2012, Sale 140, Lot 275

Scott #462, 1c Green, a spectacular quality mint single of this relatively common stamp, being incredibly well centered amid especially large margins all around, lovely color that is especially rich and bright, unblemished o.g., n.h., an extremely fine gem in every respect; 2000 PF and PSE certificates, and a 2007 PSE certificate (Superb 98 Jumbo; SMQ price $900.00 for 98); one of just three to grade 98J, with only one stamp grading higher; ex-“Scarsdale”.

Spink Shreves Galleries, Jul 2012, Sale 140, Lot 275

Prices of US Stamps Scott #462: 1c 1916 Washington Perf 10. Cherrystone Auctions, Jun 2012, Sale 201206, Lot 127

United States 1910-30 Issues 1916 unexploded 97c booklet, lavender covers, panes with usual centering and fresh, fine

Cherrystone Auctions, Jun 2012, Sale 201206, Lot 127

Cost of US Stamp Scott Cat. 462: 1916 1c Washington Perf 10. Matthew Bennett International, Sep 2010, Sale 331, Lot 838

BK Booklet Pane, 1916, 1¢ green, with large plate crack (462a var.), booklet pane of 6, a matched pair of two panes, one with the crack in the right margin, the other in the left, the latter cut in at right, which is normal on panes that show the crack at the left, fresh and Very Fine. Scott value $750

Matthew Bennett International, Sep 2010, Sale 331, Lot 838

US Stamp Value Scott Catalog 462: 1c 1916 Washington Perf 10. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Jun 2010, Sale 991, Lot 1239

1c Green Booklet Panes of Six (462a). Positions A-J plus eleven of the twelve plate nos. listed by Durland, Fine-Very Fine, approximate Scott Retail as hinged and as most common position

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Jun 2010, Sale 991, Lot 1239

Values of US Stamp Scott Catalogue #462: 1c 1916 Washington Perf 10. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Jun 2010, Sale 991, Lot 1240

1c Green Booklet Pane of Six, Cracked Plate (Scott 462a). Two panes of six showing crack at right and left (former complete crack), one light gum crease, scarce and desirable variety, it has been determined from checking the proof sheets that these come from plate no. 7449, panes nine and ten

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Jun 2010, Sale 991, Lot 1240
