US Stamps Value Scott #463 – 1916 2c George Washington Perf 10. Page 1

Value of US Stamps Scott Catalogue #463: 2c 1916 Washington Perf 10. Regency-Superior, Aug 2015, Sale 112, Lot 1344

USA (Scott 463) 1916 WASHINGTON 2¢ CARMINE TYPE I (TOP ERROR PLATE) Top margin block of 20, wide selvage top and left, natural straight edge at right. Plate #7942 at center, from the plate with 5¢ error stamp. MINT never hinged, fine to very fine. Cat $390.

Regency-Superior, Aug 2015, Sale 112, Lot 1344

Cost of US Stamps Scott 463: 2c 1916 Washington Perf 10. Regency-Superior, Aug 2015, Sale 112, Lot 861

USA (Scott 463) 1916 WASHINGTON 2¢ CARMINE TYPE I, BLOCK Fresh, MINT never hinged block of 12 (2×6). Extremely fine. Cat value $120.

Regency-Superior, Aug 2015, Sale 112, Lot 861

US Stamps Values Scott Cat. #463 - 2c 1916 Washington Perf 10. Harmer-Schau Auction Galleries, Aug 2014, Sale 102, Lot 2031

U.S. General Issues, 1916, 2¢ Carmine, Plate Block of 6, #463, n.h., large top #7942, couple gum skips and pencil notation in selvage, well centered, Very Fine. Scott $250. Estimate $100-120.

Harmer-Schau Auction Galleries, Aug 2014, Sale 102, Lot 2031

Costs of US Stamps Scott Cat. #463: 1916 2c Washington Perf 10. Spink Shreves Galleries, Jan 2014, Sale 146, Lot 427

Scott #463, 2c Carmine, a superb mint single, mathematically precise centering amid especially large margins, bright vibrant color on bright white paper, immaculate o.g., n.h., an extremely fine gem in every regard; 2013 PSE certificate (Superb 98; SMQ $550.00).

Spink Shreves Galleries, Jan 2014, Sale 146, Lot 427

Price of US Stamp Scott #463: 1916 2c Washington Perf 10. Harmer-Schau Auction Galleries, Oct 2013, Sale 99, Lot 186

U.S.; General Issues, 1916, 2¢, plate block of 6, #463. N.h., small side # (selvage cutting into #), centered, Fine. Scott $250. Estimate price $50.

Harmer-Schau Auction Galleries, Oct 2013, Sale 99, Lot 186

US Stamps Price Scott #463 - 1916 2c Washington Perf 10. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Mar 2013, Sale 1040, Lot 1844

2c Carmine, Ty. I (Scott 463). Radiant color as fresh as the day it was printed, mathematically precise centering with wide and balanced margins, neat machine cancel, Extremely Fine Gem, a superb stamp in every respect, with 2011 P.S.E. certificate (Gem 100, unpriced in SMQ above the grade of 98, SMQ price $350.00 as 98), this is the highest grade awarded and only one other shares this grade

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Mar 2013, Sale 1040, Lot 1844

Values of US Stamps Scott Cat. 463: 1916 2c Washington Perf 10. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Mar 2013, Sale 635, Lot 546

1916, 2¢ carmine (Scott 463), bottom plate block of 6, o.g., never hinged, an amazing GEM quality wide bottom plate, immaculate showpiece with vivid color, Extremely Fine. Scott $250. Estimate price $200 – 300.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Mar 2013, Sale 635, Lot 546

US Stamp Value Scott Cat. # 463 - 2c 1916 Washington Perf 10. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Oct 2012, Sale 1032, Lot 3560

2c Carmine, Ty. I (Scott 463). Centered with mathematical precision, wide margins bordering on Jumbo, face-free machine cancel, Extremely Fine Gem, a beautiful stamp, with 2011 P.F. and 2008 P.S.E. certificates (Gem 100, SMQ value $350.00 as 98, unpriced in higher grades), this is the highest grade awarded and it is shared by only one other

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Oct 2012, Sale 1032, Lot 3560

US Stamps Prices Scott Catalogue 463: 1916 2c Washington Perf 10. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Aug 2012, Sale 631, Lot 1226

1916, 2¢ carmine (Scott 463), bottom plate block of 6, o.g., never hinged, gorgeous wide bottomed plate in spectacular Post Office fresh condition, nicely centered with gleaming bright color, an extremely elusive plate block in this extraordinary quality, Very Fine to Extremely Fine. Scott $250. Estimate value $200 – 300.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Aug 2012, Sale 631, Lot 1226

Value of US Stamps Scott Catalog # 463 - 2c 1916 Washington Perf 10. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Oct 2011, Sale 1014, Lot 1958

2c Carmine, Ty. I (Scott 463). Radiant color as fresh as the day it was printed, mathematically precise centering with wide and balanced margins, neat machine cancel, Extremely Fine Gem, a superb stamp in every respect, with 2011 P.S.E. certificate (Gem 100, unpriced in SMQ above the grade of 98, SMQ price $350.00 as 98), this is the highest grade awarded to date and only one other shares this grade

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Oct 2011, Sale 1014, Lot 1958

Prices of US Stamps Scott Catalog 463 - 2c 1916 Washington Perf 10. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Jun 2010, Sale 991, Lot 1243

2c Carmine, Ty. I, Booklet Pane of Six (463a). Positions A-M and all twelve of the Durland listed plate nos., also used pane, Fine-Very Fine lot, Scott Retail as all hinged and most common position

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Jun 2010, Sale 991, Lot 1243

US Stamps Price Scott Cat. # 463: 2c 1916 Washington Perf 10. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Sep 2009, Sale 968B, Lot 608

2c Carmine, Ty. I (Scott 463). Mint N.H., gorgeous centering with Jumbo and balanced margins, perfs intact on all sides and with significant portion of all eight adjoining stamps, Extremely Fine Gem, a stunning stamp

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Sep 2009, Sale 968B, Lot 608

US Stamp Values Scott Catalogue 463: 2c 1916 Washington Perf 10. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Dec 2008, Sale 967, Lot 4814

2c Carmine, Ty. I (Scott 463). Mint N.H., brilliant color as fresh as the day it was printed on post-office fresh paper, perfectly centered, Extremely Fine Gem, a superb stamp in every respect, with 2008 P.S.E. certificate (Superb 98, SMQ price $740.00), only three have graded higher to date

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Dec 2008, Sale 967, Lot 4814

US Stamps Value Scott # 463 - 2c 1916 Washington Perf 10. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Sep 2008, Sale 962, Lot 2748

2c Carmine, Ty. I (Scott 463). Mint N.H., brilliant color, Jumbo margins, Extremely Fine Gem, a huge stamp, with 2008 P.S.E. certificate (Superb 98 Jumbo, unpriced in SMQ above the grade of 98, SMQ value $740.00 as 98), only one has graded higher to date and only one other shares this grade

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Sep 2008, Sale 962, Lot 2748

US Stamp Prices Scott #463 - 1916 2c Washington Perf 10. Matthew Bennett International, Apr 2008, Sale 326, Lot 429

1916, 2¢ carmine (463), an incredible Jumbo margined single and wonderfully well centered within these margins, lovely “powdery” color, impeccable never hinged original gum, an Extremely Fine gem. Scott price $10

Matthew Bennett International, Apr 2008, Sale 326, Lot 429
