Price of US Stamps Scott E8: 1911 10c Special Delivery Messenger on Bicycle. Page 1

US Stamp Values Scott E8: 10c 1911 Special Delivery. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Aug 2015, Sale 672, Lot 2913

Special Delivery, 1911, 10¢ dark ultramarine (Scott E8 var.), o.g., lightly hinged, an awesome TOP QUALITY example of this difficult and often mis-identified color variety, featuring huge JUMBO margins and the deepest and richest color we have ever seen on this issue, a true GEM that would enhance any great collection and a stamp that could realize an eye popping price when the hammer falls at public auction, Extremely Fine, with 2006 P.F. certificate and 1998 P.S.E. certificates specifically identifying this stamp as the dark ultramarine shade. Scott $110. Estimate price $300 – 400.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Aug 2015, Sale 672, Lot 2913

US Stamp Prices Scott Catalogue E8 - 1911 10c Special Delivery. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Jul 2015, Sale 1107, Lot 607

10c Ultramarine, Special Delivery (Scott E8). Bottom imprint and plate no. 5514 block of six, lightly hinged (if at all), deep rich color, Fine-Very Fine

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Jul 2015, Sale 1107, Lot 607

US Stamps Value Scott Catalog # E8: 10c 1911 Special Delivery. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, May 2015, Sale 669, Lot 3285

Special Delivery, 1911, 10¢ ultramarine (Scott E8), bottom margin single with plate number, o.g., previously hinged, JUMBO margins and bold prooflike color, Very Fine to Extremely Fine, 2015 P.F. certificate. Scott $110. Estimate $100 – 150.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, May 2015, Sale 669, Lot 3285

Costs of US Stamp Scott Catalog E8: 10c 1911 Special Delivery. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Apr 2015, Sale 1096, Lot 835

10c Ultramarine, Special Delivery (Scott E8). Bottom imprint and plate no. 5520 block of six, original gum, bottom stamps and selvage Mint N.H., radiant color, fresh and Fine-Very Fine

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Apr 2015, Sale 1096, Lot 835

Cost of US Stamp Scott Cat. # E8: 10c 1911 Special Delivery. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Mar 2015, Sale 1094, Lot 20

10c Ultramarine, Special Delivery (Scott E8). Left imprint and plate no. 5514 block of six, four stamps Mint N.H., top pair h.r., intense color, natural gum bend, Fine

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Mar 2015, Sale 1094, Lot 20

Value of US Stamps Scott Catalog E8 - 1911 10c Special Delivery. Regency-Superior, Jan 2015, Sale 109, Lot 1447

USA (Scott E8) BICYCLE 10¢ ULTRA Fresh, MINT never hinged, extremely fine to superb. (2014 PSE Cert #01289357) Cat $240.

Regency-Superior, Jan 2015, Sale 109, Lot 1447

US Stamp Values Scott Catalogue # E8: 10c 1911 Special Delivery. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Dec 2014, Sale 1090, Lot 1624

10c Ultramarine, Special Delivery (E8). Mint N.H., brilliant color and proof-like impression on bright paper, mathematically perfect centering with Jumbo margins EXTREMELY FINE GEM. THIS COLOSSAL MINT NEVER-HINGED EXAMPLE OF THE 1911 SERIES SPECIAL DELIVERY STAMP, SCOTT E8, HAS BEEN AWARDED THE ULTIMATE GRADE OF GEM 100 JUMBO BY P.S.E. — THIS STANDS ALONE AS THE HIGHEST GRADE AWARDED. The first “Messenger on Bicycle” Special Delivery design was the 1902 double-line watermarked Scott E6. In 1908 the “Helmut of Mercury” Special Delivery stamp was issued. However, the Messenger on Bicycle design was re-issued in 1911 from new plates with a single-line watermark, and the same basic design was issued continuously until the Motorcycle Delivery design replaced it in 1922. Scott E8 is not particularly scarce (it has a Scott value of $240.00 in Mint N.H. condition), but to find an example such as this one defies the odds. The P.S.E. Population Report statistics support this statement, as does a review of Power Search and older auction catalogs, which failed to find its equal Ex Whitman. With 1992 P.F. and 2008 P.S.E. certificates (Gem 100 Jumbo; unpriced in SMQ above the grade of 98, SMQ value $2,150.00 as 98). This is the only example to have achieved this pinnacle of grades. No other examples have been graded above 98J

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Dec 2014, Sale 1090, Lot 1624

Cost of US Stamp Scott # E8: 10c 1911 Special Delivery. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Dec 2014, Sale 1090, Lot 1625

10c Ultramarine, Special Delivery (Scott E8). Mint N.H., wide margins, deep color and detailed impression, Very Fine and choice, ex Chappaqua

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Dec 2014, Sale 1090, Lot 1625

Prices of US Stamps Scott Catalogue # E8 - 10c 1911 Special Delivery. Spink Shreves Galleries, May 2014, Sale 148, Lot 372

Scott #E8, 10c Ultramarine, exceptionally well centered within large margins, beautiful bright rich color and a highly detailed impression on pristine white paper, o.g., lightly hinged, extremely fine; 2014 PF certificate (XF-Superb, SSV $200.00).

Spink Shreves Galleries, May 2014, Sale 148, Lot 372

US Stamp Prices Scott E8 - 1911 10c Special Delivery. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, May 2014, Sale 652, Lot 853

Special Delivery, 1911, 10¢ ultramarine (Scott E8), o.g., never hinged, fresh, bright and very well centered with wide margins, Very Fine to Extremely Fine. Scott $240. Estimate $150 – 200.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, May 2014, Sale 652, Lot 853

Costs of US Stamps Scott Catalog # E8: 10c 1911 Special Delivery. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, May 2014, Sale 652, Lot 858

Special Delivery, 1911, 10¢ ultramarine (Scott E8), bottom margin imprint & plate number block of 6, o.g., hinge remnants (upper right stamp never hinged), exceptionally well centered; left pair rejoined, otherwise Very Fine. Scott $1,850. Estimate price $750 – 1,000.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, May 2014, Sale 652, Lot 858

US Stamps Prices Scott Catalogue E8: 1911 10c Special Delivery. Harmer-Schau Auction Galleries, May 2014, Sale 101, Lot 206

U.S.; Special Delivery, 1911, 10¢ ultramarine, #E8, n.h., Fine to Very Fine. Scott $240. Estimate value $100.

Harmer-Schau Auction Galleries, May 2014, Sale 101, Lot 206

Values of US Stamp Scott #E8: 10c 1911 Special Delivery. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Mar 2014, Sale 1067, Lot 1677

10c Ultramarine, Special Delivery (Scott E8). Mint N.H. wide top plate no. 5854 single, Jumbo margins, almost perfectly centered, fresh with beautiful pastel color, Extremely Fine Gem, with 1999 P.F. certificate

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Mar 2014, Sale 1067, Lot 1677

Costs of US Stamps Scott Cat. #E8 - 1911 10c Special Delivery. Spink Shreves Galleries, Jan 2014, Sale 146, Lot 510

Scott #E8, 10c Ultramarine, remarkably well centered within extravagantly large margins, rich bright color and a crisp impression, o.g., n.h., extremely fine; 2013 PSE certificate (XF 90; SMQ $510.00).

Spink Shreves Galleries, Jan 2014, Sale 146, Lot 510

Cost of US Stamps Scott # E8 - 10c 1911 Special Delivery. Harmer-Schau Auction Galleries, Jan 2014, Sale 100, Lot 673

U.S.; Special Delivery, 1911, 10¢, Plate Block of 6 With Imprint, #E8. N.h., side #5520, Fine to Very Fine, Weiss (2013) cert. Scott $2,750. Estimate price $700-800.

Harmer-Schau Auction Galleries, Jan 2014, Sale 100, Lot 673
