US Stamp Prices Scott #R112: 25c 1871 Revenue Documentary Second Issue. Page 1

Price of US Stamp Scott Catalogue R112 - 25c 1871 Revenue Documentary . Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Jun 2015, Sale 1100, Lot 185

25c Blue & Black, Second Issue, Center Inverted (Scott R112a). Deep rich colors and proof-like impressions, neat “A.P. Dec. 19, 1871” manuscript cancel, thin spot at bottom right VERY FINE APPEARING EXAMPLE OF THE 25-CENT SECOND ISSUE REVENUE INVERT. ONLY 16 ARE RECORDED. ONE OF THE GREAT RARITIES OF THE ISSUE. In his privately published census, Larry Lyons records sixteen examples of the 25c Second Issue Invert, three of which are unused. Virtually all have faults including two repaired, one defective and one reperfed. The example offered here, with rich colors, choice centering and only a minor thin spot, is highly desirable. With 1986 P.F. certificate.

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Jun 2015, Sale 1100, Lot 185

Value of US Stamps Scott Catalog R112 - 1871 25c Revenue Documentary . Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Apr 2015, Sale 1096, Lot 985

25c Blue & Black, Second Issue, Center Inverted (Scott R112a). Margins all around, lightly cancelled (appears unused), faults including couple thin spots, tiny edge tear at bottom and corner creases VERY FINE APPEARING AND RARE EXAMPLE OF THE 25-CENT SECOND ISSUE WITH CENTER INVERTED. ONLY 16 ARE RECORDED. In his privately published census, Larry Lyons records only sixteen examples of the 25c Second Issue Invert. From our 1970 and 1991 Rarities sales. Pre-1970 P.F. certificate no longer accompanies

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Apr 2015, Sale 1096, Lot 985

US Stamps Prices Scott Catalogue R112: 1871 25c Revenue Documentary . Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Dec 2014, Sale 1089, Lot 483

25c Blue & Black, Second Issue, Center Inverted (Scott R112a). Deep rich colors and proof-like impressions, neat “A.P. Dec. 19, 1871” manuscript cancel, thin spot at bottom right VERY FINE APPEARING EXAMPLE OF THE 25-CENT SECOND ISSUE REVENUE INVERT. ONLY 16 ARE RECORDED. ONE OF THE GREAT RARITIES OF THE ISSUE. In his privately published census, Larry Lyons records sixteen examples of the 25c Second Issue Invert, three of which are unused. Virtually all have faults including two repaired, one defective and one reperfed. The example offered here, with rich colors, choice centering and only a minor thin spot, is highly desirable. With 1986 P.F. certificate.

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Dec 2014, Sale 1089, Lot 483

Cost of US Stamps Scott Cat. # R112: 25c 1871 Revenue Documentary . Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Dec 2014, Sale 1089, Lot 482

25c Blue & Black, Second Issue, Center Inverted (R112a). Large part original gum, deep rich colors and proof-like impressions, choice centering with wide and balanced margins, small thin spots EXTREMELY FINE APPEARANCE. A RARE EXAMPLE OF THE 25-CENT SECOND ISSUE WITH CENTER INVERTED. ONLY 16 ARE RECORDED, AND OF THESE ONLY THREE ARE UNUSED. A PHENOMENAL RARITY. In his privately published census, Larry Lyons records sixteen examples of the 25c Second Issue Invert, three of which are unused. The unused are: 1) part o.g., sound, well-centered, ex Zoellner (Siegel Sale 827, lot 1598, realized $21,000 hammer); 2) o.g., few short perfs, centered to top right with perfs touching design, ex Joyce; and 3) large part o.g., small thin spots, choice centering, ex Cunliffe (Spink-Shreves June 2009, lot 99, realized $9,000 hammer), the example offered here. Ex Cunliffe. With 1989 P.F. certificate. Scott Retail as used

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Dec 2014, Sale 1089, Lot 482

US Stamps Prices Scott Catalogue # R112: 25c 1871 Revenue Documentary . Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Dec 2014, Sale 1089, Lot 496

25c Blue & Black, Second Issue, Sewing Machine Perforations (Scott R112b). Block of four, neat manuscript cancels, repaired triangular punches, thin spot at bottom right, otherwise Very Fine, only five blocks of four are recorded (the largest multiples are two strips of six), ex Joyce

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Dec 2014, Sale 1089, Lot 496

Prices of US Stamp Scott R112: 1871 25c Revenue Documentary . Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Mar 2014, Sale 1066, Lot 78

25c Blue & Black, Second Issue, Sewing Machine Perforations (Scott R112b). Light manuscript cancel, well-formed perfs, fresh and Very Fine example of this variety

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Mar 2014, Sale 1066, Lot 78

US Stamps Prices Scott #R112: 1871 25c Revenue Documentary . Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Mar 2014, Sale 1066, Lot 93

25c Blue & Black, Second Issue, Center Inverted (Scott R112a). Deep rich colors, neat 1871 manuscript cancel, choice centering for this difficult issue, bright and fresh EXTREMELY FINE. FEWER THAN 20 EXAMPLES OF THE 25-CENT SECOND ISSUE WITH INVERTED CENTER ARE RECORDED AND THIS IS AMONG THE FEW FINEST IN EXISTENCE. In his privately published census, Larry Lyons records seventeen examples of the 25c Second Issue Invert. Of these, ten have faults, one is noted as having a herringbone cancellation, and three have no notes as to condition (our records note that at least one is faulty). Ex Weill Brothers and Cunliffe. With 1989 P.F. certificate.

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Mar 2014, Sale 1066, Lot 93

US Stamps Value Scott Cat. R112 - 1871 25c Revenue Documentary . Matthew Bennett International, Mar 2011, Sale 336, Lot 1469

o Documentary, 1871 Second Issue, 25¢ blue & black, center inverted (R112a), nearly perfectly centered with rich colors and a neat manuscript “R & T & Co/ 18 Sep 1872” cancel, fresh and choice Very Fine. Scott value $11,000 A SPECTACULAR, COMPLETELY SOUND EXAMPLE OF THE 25¢ SECOND ISSUE WITH THE CENTER INVERTED AND QUITE POSSIBLY THE FINEST OF ONLY SIXTEEN RECORDED EXAMPLES, VIRTUALLY ALL OF WHICH ARE FAULTY TO SOME DEGREE.

Matthew Bennett International, Mar 2011, Sale 336, Lot 1469

US Stamp Prices Scott R112: 25c 1871 Revenue Documentary . Cherrystone Auctions, Apr 2010, Sale 201004, Lot 340

UNITED STATES Revenue Stamps 1871 25c blue and black, center inverted, faintly cancelled at top, well centered, beautiful color, repaired, otherwise a fresh and v.f. example of this rare invert

Cherrystone Auctions, Apr 2010, Sale 201004, Lot 340

US Stamp Values Scott #R112 - 1871 25c Revenue Documentary . Matthew Bennett International, Jun 2008, Sale 328, Lot 1335

P Documentary, 1871 Second Issue, 25¢ blue & black, plate proof on card (Scott R112P4), with “Wilcox’s Chameleon Paper” and “George T. Jones” Patent imprints. Top margin block of ten. Large margins. Cut in on left-hand side of upper left stamp. F.-V.F. Estimate 150 – 200

Matthew Bennett International, Jun 2008, Sale 328, Lot 1335
