Value of US Stamps Scott # R66 – 1862 US$1.00 Revenue Conveyance Washington. Page 1

Values of US Stamp Scott Catalog R66 - 1862 US$1.00 Revenue Conveyance. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Jun 2015, Sale 670, Lot 15

Revenue, 1862, First Issue, $1 Conveyance, part perf (Scott R66b), faint manuscript cancel, ample to large horizontal margins, Fine to Very Fine. Scott price $3,000.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Jun 2015, Sale 670, Lot 15

Costs of US Stamps Scott Catalogue #R66 - US$1.00 1862 Revenue Conveyance. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Dec 2014, Sale 1089, Lot 351

$1.00 Conveyance, Imperforate (R66a). Block of 24, large margins to barely in, unobtrusive 1863 manuscript cancels, light horizontal crease at center, bottom right stamp small tear, Fine-Very Fine appearance, this is the second largest recorded multiple and one other is known this size, the largest is a reconstructed block of 51, ex Joyce and Cunliffe, Scott Retail as blocks and pairs $2,960.00

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Dec 2014, Sale 1089, Lot 351

US Stamp Prices Scott #R66: US$1.00 1862 Revenue Conveyance. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Dec 2014, Sale 1089, Lot 462

$1.00 Conveyance, Perforated, Silk Paper (R66d). Horizontal strip of three, vibrant color, unused (traces of original gum), light corner crease at bottom right, Fine-Very Fine, only three multiples are recorded — a block of four, this strip of three and a pair — Scott Retail as used singles

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Dec 2014, Sale 1089, Lot 462

Price of US Stamps Scott Catalog R66 - US$1.00 1862 Revenue Conveyance. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Nov 2011, Sale 1015, Lot 63

$1.00 Conveyance, Part Perforated (Scott R66b). Wide margins incl. sheet margin at bottom, brilliant color, Dec. 11, 1863 manuscript cancel, tiny corner crease at top left, Very Fine appearance, especially desirable with the sheet margin, ex Cunliffe, with 2008 P.F. certificate

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Nov 2011, Sale 1015, Lot 63

Price of US Stamp Scott Catalogue R66 - 1862 US$1.00 Revenue Conveyance. Matthew Bennett International, Jun 2008, Sale 328, Lot 1375

o Revenue, 1862-71 First Issue, $1 Conveyance, perf’d (Scott R66c), top sheet margin strip of 5. Vibrant color and neat pen cancels. Very Fine. Not previously recorded; Curtis records only three other strips of 5 and only two larger multiples—blocks of 10 and 15. Estimate 150 – 200

Matthew Bennett International, Jun 2008, Sale 328, Lot 1375
