2c Scarlet Vermilion, Special Printing (203). Without gum as issued, well-centered for this difficult stamp with wide margins, beautiful rich color on fresh bright paper, tiny expert repair at left center is barely noticeable VERY FINE APPEARANCE. THE 2-CENT SCARLET VERMILION 1880 AMERICAN BANK NOTE COMPANY SPECIAL PRINTING IS ONE OF THE RAREST OF ALL BANK NOTE SPECIAL PRINTINGS. OUR CENSUS CONTAINS ONLY 20 EXAMPLES. Our census of Scott 203, available at http://www.siegelauctions.com/dynamic/census/203/203.pdf , contains only 19 stamps which are available to collectors. The 20th copy is in the Miller collection at The New York Public Library. Census No. 203-UNC-19. Ex Bayou (Siegel Sale 843). With 1940 American Board of Experts and 2001 P.F. certificates, the former not mentioning any expert repair Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Nov 2013, Sale 1057, Lot 788 |
US$40,000.00 | |
2c Scarlet Vermilion, Special Printing (203). Without gum as issued, intense shade and impression, choice centering for this difficult issue EXTREMELY FINE. THIS IS ONE OF THE FINEST EXAMPLES OF THE 1880 2-CENT VERMILION AMERICAN BANK NOTE COMPANY SPECIAL PRINTING, ONE OF THE RAREST OF ALL SPECIAL PRINTINGS. ONLY 20 ARE RECORDED IN OUR CENSUS, MANY OF WHICH ARE OFF CENTER. Our census of Scott 203, available at http://www.siegelauctions.com/dynamic/census/203/203.pdf , contains only 19 stamps which are available to collectors. The 20th copy is in the Miller collection at The New York Public Library. Five of the 19 available stamps have small faults or short perfs. Of the 14 remaining sound copies, we see only two others which rival the stamp offered here for centering and margins. Census No. 203-UNC-07. Ex Gleysteen and Zoellner. With 1943 A.P.S. and 1972 and 1998 P.F. certificates. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Dec 2012, Sale 1036, Lot 136 |
US$95,000.00 | |
1880 Special Printing, 2¢ scarlet vermilion (203), exceptionally well centered with absolutely stunning color; without gum as issued, couple slightly nibbed perfs; wonderfully fresh and Extremely Fine. Scott $140,000 A HANDSOME EXAMPLE OF THE 2¢ SCARLET VERMILION AMERICAN SPECIAL PRINTING, ONE OF THE RAREST OF ALL THE BANK NOTE SPECIAL PRINTINGS WITH ONLY ABOUT 20 RECORDED, THIS BEING AMONG THE BEST CENTERED OF THOSE 20. Expertization: 1938 APS, 1989 & 2004 PF Certificates. Provenance: Hinrichs, “Laila”. Matthew Bennett International, Sep 2012, Sale 345, Lot 237 |
US$85,000.00 | |
2c Scarlet Vermilion, Special Printing (203). Without gum as issued, vibrant color, bottom left corner perf expertly reattached VERY FINE APPEARANCE. ONE OF THE RAREST OF ALL BANK NOTE SPECIAL PRINTINGS. ONLY 20 ARE RECORDED IN OUR CENSUS. Our census of Scott 203 (available at http://www.siegelauctions.com/dynamic/census/203/203.pdf ) contains only 19 stamps which are available to collectors. The 20th copy is in the Miller collection at The New York Public Library. Census No. 203-UNC-02. Ex Mielstrup and “Newport”. With 1952 and 2008 P.F. certificates Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Jun 2009, Sale 973, Lot 146 |
US$67,500.00 | |
2c Scarlet Vermilion, Special Printing (203). Without gum as issued, intense shade and impression, choice centering for this difficult issue, trivial slightly nibbed perf at right VERY FINE AND CHOICE. THIS IS ONE OF THE FINEST EXAMPLES OF ONE OF THE RAREST OF ALL BANK NOTE SPECIAL PRINTINGS. ONLY 20 ARE RECORDED IN OUR CENSUS, MANY OF WHICH ARE OFF CENTER. Our census of Scott 203 (available at http://www.siegelauctions.com/dynamic/census/203/203.pdf ) contains only 19 stamps which are available to collectors. The 20th copy is in the Miller collection at The New York Public Library. Five of the 19 available stamps have small faults or short perfs. Of the 14 remaining sound copies, we see only three others which rival the stamp offered here for centering and margins. Census No. 203-UNC-17. Ex Hinrichs. With 1939 A.P.S. and 1989 and 2004 P.F. certificates. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Apr 2009, Sale 972, Lot 3202 |
US$75,000.00 | |
2c Scarlet Vermilion, Special Printing (203). Without gum as issued, beautiful rich color on fresh bright paper, couple tiny faint blue ink spots at upper left FRESH AND VERY FINE. THIS IS ONE OF THE RAREST OF ALL BANK NOTE SPECIAL PRINTINGS. OUR CENSUS CONTAINS ONLY 20 EXAMPLES OF THE 2-CENT SCARLET VERMILION 1880 AMERICAN BANK NOTE COMPANY SPECIAL PRINTING. Our census of Scott 203 (available at http://siegelauctions.com/enc/census/203.pdf) contains only 19 stamps which are available to collectors. The 20th copy is in the Miller collection at The New York Public Library. Five of the 19 available stamps have small faults or short perfs. Of the 14 remaining sound copies, only a few equal or surpass the stamp offered here in terms of centering and margins. The tiny blue ink specks on this stamp have always been mentioned, but they are of very little significance. Census No. 203-UNC-10. Ex H. N. Roach. With 1990 and 2008 P.F. certificates Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Oct 2008, Sale 963, Lot 827 |
US$115,000.00 | |