US Stamp Values Scott 250: 1894 2c George Washington Bureau. Page 2

Values of US Stamp Scott 250: 2c 1894 Washington. Cherrystone Auctions, Jul 2013, Sale 201307, Lot 84

United States 1894-95 Bureau Issues 1894 2c carmine, never hinged, well centered, beautiful color, with graded “XF 90” 2006 PFC (SMQ price $300)

Cherrystone Auctions, Jul 2013, Sale 201307, Lot 84

Cost of US Stamp Scott Catalog # 250 - 1894 2c Washington. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Mar 2013, Sale 635, Lot 371

1894, 2¢ carmine, type I (Scott 250), top plate number and imprint strip of 3, o.g., never hinged, astounding rich shade, a select multiple in immaculate mint condition, Fine to Very Fine. Scott $300. Estimate price $150 – 200.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Mar 2013, Sale 635, Lot 371

Value of US Stamps Scott Cat. # 250 - 2c 1894 Washington. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Dec 2012, Sale 633, Lot 468

1894, 2¢ carmine, type I (Scott 250), bottom margin single with part imprint, o.g., never hinged, bright vivid color, a choice well margined example, Very Fine to Extremely Fine. Scott $90. Estimate value $100 – 150.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Dec 2012, Sale 633, Lot 468

US Stamp Value Scott Catalog # 250: 2c 1894 Washington. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Nov 2012, Sale 1034, Lot 230

2c Carmine, Ty. I (Scott 250). Original gum, single hinge mark, vibrant color, enormous margins, Extremely Fine Gem, with 2004 P.S.E. certificate (OGph, XF-Superb 95, SMQ $135.00 as 95, $230.00 as 98), only two have graded higher and none share this grade

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Nov 2012, Sale 1034, Lot 230

Cost of US Stamp Scott #250: 1894 2c Washington. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Oct 2012, Sale 1032, Lot 3366

2c Carmine, Ty. I (250). Mathematically precise centering, fresh color, neat machine cancel, Extremely Fine Gem, absolute perfection, with 2010 P.F. (as Scott 250a) and 2007 P.S.E. certificates (Gem 100, unpriced above the grade of 98, SMQ price $750.00 as 98), this is the only example to achieve this lofty grade with none higher

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Oct 2012, Sale 1032, Lot 3366

Price of US Stamp Scott Cat. 250 - 1894 2c Washington. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Oct 2012, Sale 1032, Lot 3367

2c Scarlet, Ty. I (250b). Vivid color, wide balanced margins, fresh and crisp, Extremely Fine Gem, with 2005 P.F. (as Scott 250b) and P.S.E. (as Scott 250) certificates (XF-Superb 95, SMQ $200.00)

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Oct 2012, Sale 1032, Lot 3367

Cost of US Stamps Scott 250: 1894 2c Washington. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Oct 2012, Sale 632, Lot 1159

1894, 2¢ carmine, type I (Scott 250), gorgeous left margin part imprint single, well centered with dazzling color, o.g., never hinged, Extremely Fine. Scott $90. Estimate value $150 – 200.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Oct 2012, Sale 632, Lot 1159

Value of US Stamps Scott Cat. 250 - 2c 1894 Washington. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Oct 2012, Sale 632, Lot 1160

1894, 2¢ carmine, type I (Scott 250), handsome well centered example with nicely balanced margins, extremely fresh, o.g., never hinged, Extremely Fine. Scott $90. Estimate $100 – 150.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Oct 2012, Sale 632, Lot 1160

Value of US Stamps Scott #250: 1894 2c Washington. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Oct 2012, Sale 632, Lot 1161

1894, 2¢ carmine, type I (Scott 250), extremely attractive top margin plate no. 30 single, extra large margins and deep rich color, o.g., never hinged, Very Fine to Extremely Fine. Scott $90. Estimate $100 – 150.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Oct 2012, Sale 632, Lot 1161

Prices of US Stamps Scott # 250: 1894 2c Washington. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Aug 2012, Sale 631, Lot 945

1894, 2¢ carmine, type I (Scott 250), top margin part imprint single, o.g., never hinged, unbelievable quality, a matchless GEM copy with huge boardwalk margins and deep prooflike colors, this incredible showpiece is destined for the finest collection of top quality stamps, Extremely Fine to Superb. Scott $90. Estimate value $400 – 600.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Aug 2012, Sale 631, Lot 945

US Stamps Price Scott Catalogue 250 - 2c 1894 Washington. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Aug 2012, Sale 631, Lot 946

1894, 2¢ carmine, type I (Scott 250), bottom margin part imprint single, o.g., stamp never hinged, hinge remnant in selvage only, impressive, huge copy with intense color, Very Fine to Extremely Fine. Scott $90. Estimate $75 – 100.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Aug 2012, Sale 631, Lot 946

Values of US Stamp Scott Cat. # 250 - 1894 2c Washington. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Jun 2012, Sale 630, Lot 1574

1894, 2¢ carmine, type I (Scott 250), outstanding left margin plate no. 115 single, wonderfully wide margins and brilliant color, a great stamp, o.g., never hinged, Extremely Fine. Scott $90. Estimate price $150 – 200. (Image 1)

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Jun 2012, Sale 630, Lot 1574

Costs of US Stamps Scott Catalogue 250: 1894 2c Washington. Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Jun 2012, Sale 1026, Lot 1331

2c Carmine, Ty. I (Scott 250). Intense shade and impression, perfectly centered with Jumbo margins, neat machine cancel, Extremely Fine Gem, with 2011 P.S.E. certificate (Superb 98 Jumbo, unpriced in SMQ above the grade of 98, SMQ $750.00 as 98), only one has graded higher (at 100) and only one other shares this desirable grade

Robert Siegel Auction Galleries, Jun 2012, Sale 1026, Lot 1331

Price of US Stamp Scott Catalogue 250 - 1894 2c Washington. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Jan 2012, Sale 628, Lot 377

1894, 2¢ carmine, type I (Scott 250), left margin pair with imprint, o.g., never hinged, impressive well margined multiple, vivid bright color, eye catching, Very Fine. Scott $180 Estimate price $150 – 200.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Jan 2012, Sale 628, Lot 377

Price of US Stamps Scott Catalog # 250: 2c 1894 Washington. Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Jan 2012, Sale 628, Lot 375

1894, 2¢ carmine, type I (Scott 250), impressive bottom sheet margin single, o.g., never hinged, brilliant fresh color, impressive large margined stamp, Extremely Fine. Scott $90 Estimate price $150 – 200.

Daniel Kelleher Auctions, Jan 2012, Sale 628, Lot 375
